Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dancing when the stars go blue....

I dance today... and look around to see those who are dancing with me.

But when someone does not join me on the dance floor of life,

I realise there is nothing wrong with me. It just means they either do

not feel like dancing or they prefer a different step.

SO you are are are dancing as free as a bird... joyfully and harmoniously and with such loving energy...

And yet you wonder why someone will not dance with you.

Your focus is so much on the person who will not dance with you,

that you are not aware just how many people are dancing so close to you...joining

you on the dance floor.

But when someone does not dance with you, it does not mean your dance is lousy.

It does not mean you cannot dance!! Oh no!

It does not mean you are doing the wrong dance or you are out of tune or out of step.

It just means that someone else either doesn't feel like dancing right now... or they

would prefer a different dance... a different floor.

Our dance is our life... our being.

And when someone walks out on us, leaves our life in some way, decides

not to sign up for the next dance class or doesn't wish to be our dance partner, it

does not mean there is anything wrong with us.

We might think there is a lot wrong with us

We might think we are ugly

We might think we stepped on someone's toes.

We might think we have gone on a bit too long.

We might think we have overstepped the mark... hugged too hard? Held someone too


But all of us have to get it in our heads that there is nothing wrong with us.

We have to quit taking things personally. Just have to if we are to live our life in the

way we would like to live our life. Quit taking things personally.

Because when people decide not to be our dance partners, to refuse our invitation to

join us in whatever way we would like them to join us, it is about them and not about


How can it ever be about us?

We cannot convert people into liking us... we cannot convert people into wanting to

be with us every moment of the dayor night or even some of the day or night... we

cannot convert people into falling in love with us.

We just cannot.

We might miss them like crazy... but we still do not have the power to convert them

into being our buddies, lovers or companions.

If they do join us, it is because they have made that choice to do so.

If we fill our hearts with love and express that love we will become very attractive...

very attractive indeed.

But not always to the person whom we expect will respond to our attractiveness.

Because the truth is that some people won't appreciate our light.

Some people just won't appreciate our loving, as strange as that might seem to us.

Some people just won't respond to our warm smiles or melt into our arms with a hug.

Some people will walk away from us.. keep their distance... leave our space.

And because they decide that they are uncomfortable with us, or they would rather be

in another space, does not take anything away from us, does not make us wrong,

does not make us lacking or inadequate or plain bad.

It just means there is something happening with them because they cannot feel

comfortable with what is right about us.

They might be vibrating at a different energy level. They might find our loving

smothering, disabilitating as they play their role of victim or wish to separate

themselves from the world.

They might just need a different lesson to learn and we cannot be their teacher in this

time and space.

But as Mother Teresa says: Love them anyway.

If they are meant to be our students or our teachers some time soon, they will show

up again... they always do.

If they are not meant to show up in our life then they will journey to pastures new...

but at a soul level the connection goes on. People leave this planet but the soul

connection always remains. We are all one.

So look around and be grateful for your dance partners.. those who are dancing with

you right now.

And realise that all those who have ever danced with you have shown you something

about yourself.. and no one ever leaves you.

And if you give love to someone... pure unconditional love.. they stay in your heart

forever and you stay in the hearts of those who give the same to you.

Just carry on dancing.

You will never be alone

The dance of the heart is the richest one... where the love flows in each and every


Let's dance... and dance... and dance... and dance...and let's see our


I love the anology behind this email I received. We all can relate ourselves to this dance session....probably at varying degrees, but, the dance floor is ours to treasure. =)

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