Sunday, August 30, 2009

GOD- Great on Degrading.

Yesterday while I was at my church's main service, the youth's were going to present an item. The pastor's son, Jeremy had written a song "In This Land" and it was a great song. Not less nor more.

But what I want to give you a glimpse of our society isn't found in the song, rather it was the people who were seating behind me. One, in fact there's two of them, were talking among themselves and wondered who was the guy who presented that item. Then one of them said it was Pastor's Kok Aun's son.

"OH MY GOD!!! It is him!! Wow, MY GOD, he has grown so tall".

"Yeah, he even sounds and act like his father, OH MY GOD."

Great, now people are using God's name in vain not only in public, but in his Sanctuary??? God's name is holy, it is his name that commanded evil spirits out of people, it is his name that the lame can walk, the deaf can hear and people are saved to meet him in heaven. All because of his holy name.

Did you know? Back in the times of Ancient Israel, anyone who uses God's name in vain will be death by stoning. Yes, that is how serious the offence was. And now people are beginning to swear by God's name and go 'Oh My God' when something big happens. OMG (Pun intended)

The reason these people are not condemned to stoning these days is because :

1) By God's grace he endures our sin
2) Stoning is so old-fashioned compared to electric chairs or death injection
3) There's no more stones around cause it's been used to construct new churches without any regard for the people's welfare.

And my church is building a new church.....beside our old one (if you don't consider the AIA building). Pretty much like building a nuclear reactor beside one. One is enough to impact one's neighborhood, two will likely create a rivalry between both churches to see who can 'harvest' more.

Back to the topic, it isn't cool to use God's name in vain as opposed to the movies.(Sometimes I wonder when will it go passe). The least you could do is "Oh My Goodness", but I don't think God's goodness should also be taken lightly. Right?

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