Saturday, August 30, 2008

Notice Board

Our school has a "Anugerah Kecemerlangan Sekolah" event to award students who did excellent Academically & Co-Curricular competitions...this is alsot the day SMK Hamid Khan show the parents of the school as many parents will come.One of the steps is the notice board competition.All uniform bodies & clubs were compulsary to change their respective notice board for that day..

I was involved in 3 notice boards...SCOUT,CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP & SCRABBLE.I was the secretary of the scout so I was more involved in the notice board although i received a considerable amount of help from my fellow committee.

(Saik Ian & Me)


(Thanks to the committee for helping!)

Our scout notice board is divided into 4 parts.Notices,Photos,Patrol list & Committee list,We constructed a frame using bamboo and used "square-lashing" knots to make the frame.We placed 2 scarf(purple & yellow),badges and replica scout knoting to enchace the board.On the left is our scout troop logo and on the left is the World scout logo.Our 39 GT(S) word is made out of satay sticks.


(CF Notice..thanks to Esther & Clarence)

The CF notice board is really a good effort from those who helped..especially Esther.She is the secretary of CF and manage to complete 99% of it in a day!One thing surely strikes people passing by is the cross.It was made out of paper pieces using "Colaj" style.The notice board is once again splited into 4 main parts using the cross as a frame.On the upper left is the committee list and the left is list of activities the SMK Hamid KHAN CF has done so far..

On the bottom left is photos I manage to get like our Mid-Year holiday CF Camp and a school group photo for our upcoming school magazine.On the left was supposedly for notice but so far we have none...yet!


(Thanks to Jonathan for the effort!)

Credit must be given to Jonathan Yeoh for almost single-handedly took up the task to help make the scrabble notice board.It was a good effort for someone who took a whole night in preparing the materials and constructing the notice board.

The notice board is basically not in a ordered format and free-flowing.The "SCRABBLE" word is placed vertically on the left using Scrabble font and that was done by me. ;)
The photos were also donated by Jonathan and me.Jonathan printed out a photo of our scrabble shirt and a photo of himself in a scrabble game.I printed out the scrabble group photo as I manage to get it since I am in the editorial board of our school magazine.(grin)
Kabian made the effort to go and develop our photo of us with the Challenege Cup trophy and it can be easily identified as the best and biggest picture in the notice board.

On the orange part of the board is our committee board..I was the asst secretary,I only knew it on that day!On the right is reasons why scrabble is fun.(p.s. #3 was suggested by Edvin Saw)
1.Improve our English language
2.Get to met new friends.
On the bottom part is a promotion of an internet scrabble game.Wordbiz.
I suggest anyone reading this post try downloading this game :D
I'm looking for competitions...


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