Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I wasn't officially in any clubs in INTI recently, so when I heard that there was a debate competition for all the INTI colleges, I signed up immediately.

I was delighted to know that the pioneers for this year's group were Adoria(Wei Lun's cousin) and Nicholas(whom I debated against last year). It's kinda like a reunion... haha...

Apparently, we do not have the motion until...20 minutes before the competitin(WTH!) and our only clue is a theme "Equity,Access and Quality"

(What I got for google image search for that term, Ironically, I still don't have what the right picture said)

I'm kinda glad that the people making up the teams are experienced speakers from various schools in Penang. So it's like an All-Star team!! It also shows I still have alot to catch up and I have better speakers than I who I can improve my own skills.

Hopefully we can do well in the debate competition, and make the college proud!

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