Friday, July 6, 2007

Today's Anti-Testosrone(ATT) Injection...

Well,today was the day we all waited so long "eagerly".....Well,to start of things we were to be in the hall.And wait for our turn.In the meantime a nurse tell us what is ATT is all about and also show us a video about a "telasema"..whatever it's name(something about red blood cells....)Anyway 3j start of while the remaining classes watch a documentary about Sharks..(lame..)

But OOPS!Recess is here!! and we all took our meal....

After that,we went back to the hall and waited...waited...waited...wai...OHH!!It's our turn!!!We were suppose to go to a Old Science Lab near the hall and we are all greeted by some "wonderful" nurses!!!!THEY ARE THE "BEST"!!!!Man from the way they speak I wonder what were they doing in their course.....first we take our health report card and took our BMI....thank goodness I am just above "underweight"..jonathan got underweight,LOL!!

Then the "good" wasn't actually painful but i still can feel the ache right now I am writing this post....

Post Injection was the worst part.....I was not feeling very well and know......a lot of people were feeling the same way too except that whenever i take an injection i always fell bad........ugh.....

But then,no pain no gain!Now I have immunation if i got a cut from rusty things!

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