Yay!!!After months of training the ISC has finally arrived!!!It was held in Mines Wonderland.We took a bus from the Sungai Nibong bus terminal and the journey was quite long.
Here's the list of candidates for the best sleeping pose:

it's your choice..(:D)
Anyway,after we reached our destination,Plaza Rakyat,we took LRT's,that's right,LRT's.Not one but THREE LRT just to reach our destination.Finally,we reached Serdang and we stayed in a budget hotel,SUN INN.(wished we were at Times Square.

Ok,so we went to our room,let's just say our room was..."indescribably "NICE""!!VERY VERY NICE NICE,man words fail when I want to say how bloody "NICE" was the room.
And the best thing is...next to our INN was a Nasi Kandar store who called themselves a BISTRO.....

Take a load of this.....they never even have beer??!!!
Ok,we went to check out the mall,since mines has a reputation and boy how run down was the place is....

I bought some games NFS:Most Wanted and NFS:Underground and Adrian asked me buy for him Star Wars Battlefront.
So night time we ate Macdonald and we ate in the room,after that,we went to yin yee's room just for fun.We chated and well,played the fool ....XD

We played poker,blah blah blah and played some scrabble(I wished I toke my UNO there...)
2nd Day
Today is the start of the competition,and our school have two groups.Mine is the U-15(obviously) which consist of Me,Loh Vern Ern ,Leng Kabian and Jonathan Yeoh.At first we were doind fine,then we stared to lose 2,win 2 but nevertheless, we got 7th place.Not Bad!I out in couple of BINGO's like QUOTING(3 times I've put in all my scrabble games in my life).I even put a ZUX that gave me 72 points!!!Believed it????

(This is our group photo,sorry for bad quality!)
After that we went to the arcades and on that day,I finally I've learned to drift with Manual gear!!!it was quite thought and need more practicing though...
3rd Day
We wen into the competition with high hopes and look who spoiled our paty....Chung Ling,man they maimed us BIG TIME and that's not all,all of us lost our games 3 times in a row and then we dropped to 13th...:'(.......ok,then we bucked up and won some matches though...anyway,we met a team from Kuantan that are very friendly and we got their e-mail,Kabian again worked out his "P.R. Skills" =.=' and i got a girls msn and friendster and she goes by the name Adele Lim,(never heard a ADELE name before so I was curious) :D....and I also got a KL's e-mail which I lost too...

Well,the whole experience was pretty fun since it was my first time there and 3.00 p.m. we left Serdang and went back.Man the whole trip to the bus station was like a adventure,and Jeshua recommended us to treat ourselves in "The Ship" when we stopped in Bukit Bintang..(my hole in the pocket is unveling)..and I ate Salmon Steak and Kabian just ate fried rice,that was the joke of that time...
At 3.00 a.m.,we reached penang,man I was so glad i even dropped to the floor to touched penang soil......
That's all for now!