Monday, April 27, 2009


You know, one of the best things I ever had in my life in 2008 was BSF.I REALLY enjoyed studying the word of god and meeting new & interesting friends.We really get along well and was known as the wackiest of all groups.In essence, everyone talks to everyone, all so it seems....

Somehow, I don't feel right this year in BSF.I really do.There are times I really felt left out and though there are the occasional jokes & fun moments, it's not as satisfying as last year.

The other thing I like about BSF back in 2008 was THERE WERE NO CLIQUES. Really, as I said:"Everyone talks to everyone". Now though, it seems the seeds are there...not blooming, but it has been planted and one may suggest the sprouts have come about.Am I inside one of the cliques? I don't know, I sure hope not.I know how it feels to be left out, trust me.

Unfortunately, I don't know what to do. It's not like I can just skip any class that easily.So far I can never miss a class regardless of the situation.I feel guilty if I just leave the class as I don't want to dissapoint some of my "real" friends and it will hurt but then again,if I stay on;I could very well be in a clique unknowingly or even worse, being left out of the group.Right now I'm essentially caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

What shall I do??
Some advice would help. ALOT

1 comment:

dnomseD said...

I wonder why no one gave you advice.

maybe no one even viewed.. I'm not sure what you mean by BSF. Bible study fellowship?

Do you mean when studying Bible knowledge or this is another activity?

Oh well. Just pray. The Lord knows your needs. Don't think or what others think... Read His word. Be sincere and fervent during the meetings.

God bless.