Saturday, February 12, 2011

Louis' Farewell

I went to see off Louis Teoh, fellow INTI college mate with some of his friends. I was in the same dorm in the 1st Combined CF Camp in 2008, and the same group in the 2nd camp in 2009. He was leaving for Melbourne and is on the plane right now as I'm writing to his destination.

Another friend, Adoria is leaving soon. She was there too. I first met her during the preparation for the INTI Debate Competition last year in June. She was actually a distant cousin of my secondary school class-mate Larry!

As I look at him going through the departure gate, I wondered how would I feel when it's my turn. Yes, it's probably another year before that happens. But today was a preview of what will happen to me as well. I'll be lying if I said I'll be cool as Horatio Caine in the airport when's it's my turn, it'll probably be mixed feelings, but that's an understatement.

"What will happen to me when I set foot in US?", "Will Uni be as awesome as INTI?", "How am I gonna survive there without my parents??!!" Those run through my mind during the airport as we chit-chat in McDonalds.

Until then, I guess I'll do my best in INTI and get good results so that I can actually think of those questions instead of "Now what am I gonna do if no Universities accepts me?!".

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